Utstillingskritikker: Letohallen 07.10.12

Norsk Dobermann Klub Letohallen 07.10.2012
Dommer: Maria Ceccarelli

Juniorklasse Hannhund

NO55256/11 Henceforths Sailor Boy

1 year. Correct bite. Typical head. Good eyes and ears.  Good front. Good topline. Good prop. in body. Nice tail. Exc. coat for the age. Moves well. Needs more confident in the ring.

Exc, konk1 CK CERT 1BHK BIM

Åpen klasse Hannhund

SE10600/2010 Bokellas Mirror Reflection

3 years. Good bite. Masculine head. Corr.  ears. Good topline. Enough angulated in rear. Good prop. in body. Corr. Tailset. The coat quality is not correct. Good color of the tan, too much silver on the body. Shy dog.

VG konk.1

Juniorklasse Tispe

NO56205/11 Henceforths Mini Troll

12 months. Good bite. Good eyes. Good front. Needs to complete the ribcage. Good topline and tailset. Well angulated in rear. Moves well for the age. Needs to tan the color on head. Nice temp.

Exc. konk.1 CK 3BTK

Unghundklasse Tispe

NO44780/11 Henceforths Check Yes Or No

15 months. Feminin head and expression. Nice ears. Good front. Good body. Well angulated in rear. Good coat. She has to comlete the color on the head. Moves well.

Exc. konk.2 CK Res.CERT 2BTK

NO35475/11 Henceforths New Years Resolution

20 months. Good bite. Nice head and expression. Good ears. Good neck and topline. Good front. Good tail. Good quality of the coat. Nice color. Good tan on head and feet. Moves well. Nice temp.

Exc. konk.1 CK CERT 1BTK BIR




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