Norsk Welsh Corgi Klubb Hellerudsletta 09.02.2013
Dommer : Igor Mioc
Unghundklasse hannhund
SPKP7368 Gudyork Impuls
17 mnd. Old. Nice male. Good head wiyh nice expression. Good eyes and ears. Nice neck. Good topline. Nice angulation. Excellent movement. Good coat quality.
Excl. konk.1 CK CERT BHK1 BIR
Åpen klasse hannhund
LOE1993743 Passarela Bach
2,5 years old. Good size. Good body construction. Good head proportion with good expression. Good neck and topline. Correct movement, but could be with more elegance. Good coat and color.
Excl. konk.1 CK Res.CERT BHK2
Unghundklasse tispe
NO47009/11 So Sweet Little Cindy
19 mnd. Old.Correct size. Correct body proportion. Wide set ears. Eyes could be better. Correct topline. Could be better in front. Good angulation behind. Coat good quality, but color could be better.
VG konk.1